最佳答案:Instagram类软件未在安卓市场上上架哦,由于此类软件需要谷歌服务的支持,而安装谷歌框架一般需要获取Root权限哦,但Root 会修改和破坏手机系统,并且Root Products your communities Sign upor log into customize your list. Stack Overflow for Teams – Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Tea。
最佳答案:Instagram类软件未在安卓市场上上架哦,由于此类软件需要谷歌服务的支持,而安装谷歌框架一般需要获取Root权限哦,但Root 会修改和破坏手机系统,并且Root Products your communities Sign upor log into customize your list. Stack Overflow for Teams – Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Tea。